• Posted June 21, 2017, 12:07 p.m. - 7 years, 4 months ago

Ignore page headers and footers in PDF

Beautiful Latina Woman at table in Kitchen with CouponsWhen you want to get the text out of a PDF for translation or any other reason, headers and footers can cause problems. Often repeated across every page, they break up your text-flow and are time consuming to remove.

Fortunately it’s pretty simple to tell Infix PDF Editor to ignore header and footer regions before you export the PDF.

Use the Crop tool to drag-out a box which includes all the text you want from a typical page, but excludes the header and footer areas. Then press the Return key to finish. The next time you export the PDF, all text outside of your crop-box will be ignored.

It’s easier to see it in action, so we’ve prepared a short movie showing how it’s done. You can also read all about the Crop tool in the on-line user-manual.