• Posted Nov. 20, 2014, 9 a.m. - 9 years, 8 months ago

Anniversary of Windows 1.0

Today is the anniversary of the day that Windows 1.0 was officially launched. Windows, developed by Microsoft, launched 1.0, a graphical personal computer operating system and it was the first of the well-known Windows line that we have come to love and rely on in recent years.

Windows 1.0 was run as an add on to the existing MS-DOS installations, and was known in the tech world as a 16-bit multi-tasking add on – and the first of its kind from Windows.

Windows 1.0 provided users with a platform that could run programmes designed with graphics and graphic designing in mind as well as all of the components of the existing MS-DOS software. At the helm of the product was Bill Gates, company founder, who was inspired after watching a demonstration of a similar product suite, Visi On and the COMDEX event.

However, it wasn’t all smooth sailing for Windows – is it ever? Although it received positive reviews in the early days after launch, with both hardware and software developer’s vocal with their positive reviews, critics didn’t see the product in quite the same light.

Windows 1.0 was not so well received by critics as they felt the software was missing some of the elements they expected and that it didn’t live up to expectations. An example was that many critics felt that 1.0 put far too much emphasis on mouse usage and input, at a time when the mouse was not at a household stage, and use of it was limited around the world. Performance issues were also highlighted and it was claimed that new users were not provided with much.

In light of all of the criticisms, Windows learnt, rebuilt and quickly moved on with different versions and updates and on the 31st December 2001, Windows declared the end of 1.0 and officially announced that it was obsolete and no longer supported.

Although, Windows 1.0 may be looked back on in computer history as a programme that did not quite live up to expectation, it certainly did create the foundations and building blocks from further updates and developments in the world of technology, and for that reason, will always be looked back on fondly by most tech heads. Image credit:
