You can insert any number of blank pages into any PDF document.

  1. Open a PDF then choose Pages->Insert New... 
    or press the Insert New Pages (New Pages tool button) button on the Page Operations toolbar (View->Toolbars->Page Operations).
    Insert New Page options
  2. Enter the number of new pages you want to add into the Create: edit box.
  3. Specify where you want to insert the new pages by choosing Before or After from the pop-up menu then choose First/Last Page or enter a page number into the Page: edit box.
  4. Choose a page size - 
    1. Use Current Size makes the new pages the same size as the currently displayed page.
    2. Standard Size: choose from a list of standard page sizes - A4, US Letter, etc.
    3. Define your own Custom Size

• The size of new pages is determined by the page being viewed when the instruction is given.